The Money House – youth homelessness prevention programme

Greenwich, UK Economic sustainability, Target groups of housing


Money House is an accredited financial literacy programme aimed at preventing youth homelessness – Taking referrals on a continuous basis – Based in Greenwich, Newham and Westminster.

The Money House (TMH) helps young people in, or about to move into housing, manage their money and remain independent. Participants gain practical financial and digital skills to pay their rent, bills and living costs whilst making informed choices about their future. Attendees can receive a Level 1 award in Money Management from ABC’s Entry Into Work Employability Module.

Sessions take place in a fully kitted out flat, not a classroom. It looks and feels like a typical flat that young people would aspire to live in when they get their own tenancy. Our experts help them become more confident about money and living on their own by providing real-life skills in a unique setting that brings financial education to life and helps prevent homelessness.

At TMH there are no lectures. Interactive games and activities involve young people in every aspect of their learning. Our Education Officers are young, trained, tested and enthusiastic, and it shows in the feedback we get from all the young people who attend.

Issues tackled

Session topics include:

  • Tenancy agreements Rights & Responsibilities.
  • Cost of moving in.
  • Avoiding eviction.
  • Paying household bills.
  • Choosing utility providers.
  • Banking – Accounts & Savings.
  • Borrowing safely.
  • Budgeting – Weekly & Monthly.
  • Spending habits – Good & Bad.
  • Shopping – Offers, consumer rights.
  • Benefits – Entitlements & Universal Credit.
  • Online safety and spotting scams.
  • Risks of money muling.
  • What’s next – Planning for the future?

Sessions also provide:

  • Extra support to understand benefit changes and implications – Universal Credit; LHA Housing Benefit Cap.
  • Digital skills to help them navigate the financial maze and make the most of their money – Open Banking; comparison websites; changing utility providers etc.
  • Signposting to relevant services that can assist young people further if required – StepChange; ChangeGrowLive etc.


  • Housing: For those eligible for social housing, accessing housing support from their local authority (LA), or moving into independent living in the private rented sector.
  • Already a tenant or has expectations of a tenancy: Living in LA supported housing, LA temporary accommodation, bidding for own social housing tenancy, accessing support from LA to help them into private or social housing or moving into private housing independently.



  • Participants are three times less likely to have unsustainable arrears.
  • We see a 45% reduction in young people incurring bank charges and missing bills.
  • A 22% increase in those borrowing safely, and therefore avoiding loan sharks.
  • A 27% increase in confidence managing money, which exceeds the national average.
  • Landlords have reducing costs and securing more rent with fewer arrears.
  • Every £1 spent on TMH generates £3.36 in social value.



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